الجمعة، 30 أكتوبر 2015

قال خاتم النبيين صلى الله عليه وسلم :
(( إن الله حرم عليكم عقوق الأمهات ، ومنعا وهات , ووأد البنات، وكره لكم قيل وقال، وكثرة السؤال ، وإضاعة المال ))
رواه البخاري ومسلم رحمهما الله تعالى.

( منعا وهات ) المقصود به تحريم منع ما وجب أداؤه من الحقوق ، وتحريم طلب ما ليس لك بحق .

الحديث معلم من معالم الحياة الرشيدة عموما، والتواصل الرشيد خصوصا،  لكيلا تتحول اهتمامتنا وكتاباتنا في وسائل التواصل إلى ثقب أسود يبتلعنا في دوامات اللغو،  أو - على أقل تقدير - لكيلا تشغلنا عن الكلام في الأوجب، ولكيلا تستهلكنا في الاهتمام بالمفضول ونترك الأفضل،  وهذا من مداخل الشيطان.

الثلاثاء، 27 أكتوبر 2015

الأخلاق لا تنفك عن الإيمان،
  والشح بالنفس يوردها المزالق والمهالك،
  وأدرك حجم التعصب للنفس والكيان ولعنصرية المقيتة والعصبية المنتنة،  والمناطقية الكذوبة، ونعاني منه جميعا، 
وهو عرض للمرض الرئيسي فعلا، الذي هو ضياع الدين وضياع الإنسان

الاثنين، 26 أكتوبر 2015

{... فلا يأمن مكر الله إلا القوم الخاسرون}.

"شركة " Schou" التي قامت على مدى 30 عاماً بتأسيس عملها في تصدير السوائل المنوية حول العالم.

إذ تقوم هذه الشركة بتشغيل "Cryos International" وهو أحد أكبر بنوك السوائل المنوية في العالم/ الواقع في منطقة أرهوس الدنماركية، ويقوم هذا البنك بإرسال السوائل الموجودة لأكثر من 80 دولة، وقد ولد أكثر من 27 ألف طفل من متبرعي هذا البنك"
"إنهم يقعون فرائس لأهوائهم وشهواتهم بلا حد ولا ضابط . ومن ثم يفقدون خاصتهم الآدمية ويندرجون في عالم البهيمة:

(والذين كفروا يتمتعون ويأكلون كما تأكل الأنعام , والنار مثوى لهم). . .

ولا يخسر الإنسان شيئا كأن يخسر آدميته , ويندرج في عالم البهيمة , وهذا هو الذي يقع حتما بمجرد التملص من الدينونة لله وحده , والوقوع في الدينونة للهوى والشهوة . "

من كتاب "خصائص التصور الإسلامي ومقوماته"

الأحد، 25 أكتوبر 2015

رأيت ماليزيا وسنغافورة تهطل عليهما المياه بغزارة، وتفور البحار حولهما طوال العام، ويحولانها لمصدر رزق وسبب خير... بجوارهما - وكجزء لصيق من المنطقة وذات البشر - إندونيسيا،  حيث تسقط نفس المياه،  فتتحول لبرك ومستنقعات للبعوض وحمي الضنك القاتلة..ومثلها بنجلاديش، وهي جنات وعيون لولا ثنائية الخنوع والطغيان ... أما في بعض مناطق الباكستان - بنجلاديش الشرقية_فيتم توليد الكهرباء بشكل فردي من هطول المطر فوق مرتفعاتها... الأمطار ما لم تكن عواصف مدمرة تاريخية فهي ليست مصيبة ولا عقابا بذاتها.. المصيبة في العقول والنفوس والإرادة الجمعية وعبادة الفرد...تجد دولا لديها كل الإمكانيات وتعيش في انحطاط وتبرر لذاتها الوضاعة والقذارة والتهريج والفشل والموت البطيء،  بل وتتغاضى عن احتلال المغول لها وعن الخراب المفتعل والنزيف المستمر ومسخ الهوية لكيلا تضيع! ...

كدة كتير جدا والله، لابد من توبة وتمايز حقيقي قبل الطوفان،  وأخشى أن اللوم يقع على عاتق الجميع ... دوما تحضرني عاقبة ترك عهد الله وأمره واتباع الأحبار والرهبان وحصاد الذين ضربت عليهم الذلة والمسكنة،  وتحضرني نتيجة النكوص والشح بالنفس والتولي أمام الجبارين .. "قال فإنها محرمة عليهم أربعين سنة يتيهون في الأرض فلا تأس على القوم الفاسقين"

الجمعة، 23 أكتوبر 2015

قد يعشق المرءُ من لامالَ في يده *
ويكره القلبُ من في كفّه الذهب...

حقيقةٌ لو وعاها الجاهلون لما *
تنافسوا في معانيها ولااحتربوا



الله الرحمن الرحيم

هذه محاولة من
متطوعة لترجمة كتاب الفقير

روائع تاريخ

وهو لوجه الله تعالى

وخيره بلغتنا
ولغات الغرب لا ينكر الأمل فيه عاقل إن شاء الله

ويرجى لمن
لديه سعة أن يصوب ويدقق

وسأضع الجديد

وعذرا لضيق
حالى صحيا عن الجلوس للتدقيق، مع الدعاء لفاعلة الخير بالخير والله أكرم



 This is a trial to translate one of my books


First part


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم




Preface :

The Medicine is a
science and art which searchs  for the care of human
health & its  building  .

And when we say  the
history for Islamic Medicine  .. we mean history of  Doctors, Leaders
and Cognoscentes , who rises in a wonderful and  great civilization .

Islam is a religion of
all of the missioner , but here we show the history of genius doctors from
Islamic nation of prophet   mohamad peace upon him.. the last prophet
for Islam to humans  allover the earth .

Our aim is justice
firstly and return the Right back to his owner .

We can’t say that our
nation only are skillful and brilliant , but we clarify that as much as our
civilization  take it gives and flourished , even it invent much more than
it inherited .

It lefts many sciences
and traces which built on  it the glory of all of the current sciences
 , which lead to the development of all of humanity till this moment by
Allah favor only  .

Not as an ignorant
said: it is a civilization which add nothing to humanity ! and he didn’t know
that the museum of his country have many codices of maps 
and marvelous  sources of our ancestors ,it shows that they had to draw
maps of the world and perform  critical surgeries.

In the other side his
nation at – this time – they had to inhabit in caves , even the one in the
south of the country know nothing about those in the north due to there
ignorance and retardation …

I refer that we didn’t
have to be sorry for the term and we didn’t say: that the Medicine is one! But
the truth that there was an Islamic Medicine ,  the view of Islam to the
human body differ from the west’s materialism  and conceited  
view  ..

Our religion
 can’t fly on  the darkness of legend , but it can’t deny
everything  not be seen or realized – by foolishness or ignorance or what
ever – but there is a soul ,and there is a body and there is what is under
ground which is unknown yet  .

The west can’t
understood yet all the mysterious of Cupping , and Ironing and every unordinary
treatment as Chinese needles , even they admit lately  it’s benefits and
they understood it’s way  of effects …     

The duty of Islamic
doctors is to clarify and never refuse every strange without an evidence for
 not to use , and when he looks for cure he must be sure that it’s from
Allah and there is an blessing with no doubt which have an  moral and
physical effects in the patient and in the medicine ….

The Moslem have to be
sure that there is a science more than he knows , which makes him never be
tired or bored or despair  from searching  , testing and
 tracing .

The climate of Islamic
civilization is wonderful  , the ability of humans always be opened …and
the scientist knows that he is an worshiper for Allah by his researches and
science ..so he will have a motive and force to achieve his  ambitious .

There is no conflict
between religion and science , as it happened before with others … when it was
the religious men is the first enemies to the researchers  .

The age  of
Islamic science  in it’s climax takes several centuries from human history
( from the mid of second emigration century   /the ninth 
Christmas century till the mid of tenth emigration century / the fifteen
 Christmas  century ) .


Lets talk a little
about the situation of Islam from Medicine 

we are commanded to be
cured legally , it was an undoubted issue  in the prophetic conduct
  , even the prophet had  permitted  to women to use
perfumes in necessity .

and the imam Al – zahby
mercy upon him  have clarified that

there is no contrast
between physical treatment and depending on Allah ,  he says : depending
on Allah is the reliance of the heart on Allah and this never contrast with the
reasons and causations ,

so the good physician
have to do his best and leave the success to Allah ‘s will , as the farmer did
he  cultivate and drill the seeds and then he leave it’s growing and
falling of the rains to Allah’s desire. .

and as Allah said in
(Alnesaa sura) : ” you
should always take your precautions” and the prophet said ” think it over and
do  it depending on Allah  ” .

And as imam Al –
shafeay said ” I don’t know science after Halal and forbidden more noble
than  Medicine  ”

Even imam  Mallek
– mercy upon him – makes the Medicine science one of the respectable sciences
after Shariah science , so it’s not allowed  to abuse  papers written
on it something about Medicine due to it’s honor  and it’s dignity !

Although Islamic
teachings was a leader in  the development of the public  healthy for
community and for every person . and this is philosophy  ” Bernard Show”
in the introduction of his book

  ” Dilemma
the Doctors  ”    said  that the British
Imperialism when capturing some islands it puts a plan to change the people ‘s
religion  by sending  deputations of preachers to abduct them from
their religion .

also   ”
Bernard Show” said  that so sorry that  the Imperialism 
succeeded in it’s plan but this lead to spreading of pandemics and deadly
diseases  between them and this happened  ”because they didn’t apply
the Islamic teachings which commanded them by cleaning and purification in
every thing even clipping the nails  “ .

also DR . Shawky AL-
Fangary reports nice scripts which show some of what favor the Islam provided
to the career of Medicine

firstly : the Islam presented a
real and a scientific theory  about the definition of the disease and it
confirm the Therapy, doctors and medicines . in the contrary  in pre-Islam
the idea which prevailed in these days that the disease is a devil which enter
the human body as an punishment for his sins towards gods  , and the only
way for cure is the forgiveness pray to make the devil gone .. and if the body
didn’t cured then that’s means that this person still have  a weak faith .
and during middle centuries  the church had to prevent peoples from cure
and fighting the scientists and burn their books or impale them by accusing
them as magicians  and juggleries   and   challenging
Allah’s will .

 Bernard Show
describes this state  by saying that  ” people used to leave their
patient to cure only under God’s care and they didn’t need doctors , and this
prevailed British  opinion was continued until nineteen century when there
was a law which punish the person who left his father tell death without making
a doctor see him by putting who did this in jail for six months 
  ”  .

So now we look to the
Islamic teachings in this field :

When the prophet peace
upon him went to Al- medina  the people there come to him asks for cure by
his hand .. then he used to visit the patient and pray for them to be cured and
says : have cure servants of Allah ..that Allah Didn’t brought  a disease
unless there was a cure from Allah to it. Narrated by  -Al- Termezy and
Abou Dawood .


Secondly: The  Islam by his
favors on Medicine deny any legendry which attached by this career which
accompanied the way of treatment : as putting charm from heads of animals and
as making tattoo and fortune- telling , astrology and also scolding the bird
and playing chess and striking cups .

In this the prophet of
Allah peace upon him said :” the one who hang a charm will achieve nothing by
Allah ” 

We can see the firmness
of the Islam in things in what the prophet said :”the one who went to a
shepherd or a fortune – teller and believe what he said he will became
unbeliever to what had brought down to Mohamad    ”

And by this the Islam
put a separated limit between The Medicine and  The  Divination ..
before that  both of them was known as one career , the doctor used to
 be called as a fortune – teller or a shepherd .

The Islam had declared
a serious  scientific fact which said that every diseases in this life
have a cure except the anility which means old age , and  if there
was  diseases with no cure  this is because there was  inability
in our science and we have to do  efforts and search until we find a cure
medicine for it .and in this the prophet peace upon him said :” Allah Didn’t
brought  a disease unless it have it’s cure  it will be known by the
one who knows   and it will be ignored  by the ignorant so if
the cure get the malady the disease will be cured by Allah’s will   “
narrated by Al- Termzy and Ahmad .

Thirdly :  The Islam
commanded people by personal cleanness as a way for the  health
 protection and it considered as a complementary  for Islam ” The
Cleanness is half  the Faith ” 

And The Islam also deny
that the dirt is a kind of humiliation  or to become closer to Allah .

Also The Islam pointed
to the  pollution of the food and hands , also Islam have encourage for
cleanness and forbid the dirt and impurity and specified these dirt as
purulence , feces, nausea , the dog’s saliva , the body of pigs and every thing
moldy as animal’s remains .

As it called
purification in every thing away from these dirt and the ways of purification
is determined by washing by the flowing water or burning in fire or boiling in
the water or dryness .    

The Islam didn’t talk
about the cleanness absolutely and in general but it specify every part in the
human body which is exposed to catch the disease or source of it …for example
what is the prophet peace upon him  said  :  ”clip your nails
the demon is sitting in what become long  under it ”

The Islam is the first
who refers to the healthy prohibit before the humanist knows it .

And  in this the
prophet peace upon him  said  : ” the sickened person never comes to
healthy one ”  ( Al bokhary ) and the meaning of the Hadith that the one
who have an infective disease can’t be with healthy people but he must be isolated 
from them and this for not infect them by his infective  disease . and
also the prophet peace upon him  said : ” the ruin  came from disgust
”  narrated by Abou – Dawood .


The prophet apply this
concept on the lazars that once came to him   a lazar to make a homage
with him and when he asks for permission to enter to them the prophet said ”
tell him that we accept his homage he can return  ”  and he also said
” you must make a distance between you and the lazar by one lance or two

Fourthly :  The Islam have come
by scientific base in struggling diseases as cholera , pestilence and smallpox

In  this prophet
peace upon him said ” when you heard that these disease in a particular land
don’t go there and if it comes to the land you live in don’t runaway from it escaping
from the disease  ”

And that is the rule
which the countries have done nowadays for protection from diseases that they
prevent anyone from entering the infected places also they prevent the infected
people from exiting this infected places  .

For knowing the value
of this  prophetical Hadith which came in the seventh Christmas century
 read the clause from the book ” the story of medicine ” by Joseph Garland
, that when the pestilence disease appeared in Florence in the year  1348 the
people was commanded by escaping from the country as fast and as far as they
could and this escape by intuition will lead to the increasing of infecting
places until it reach Russia in the year 1352 as it was a fire in the forest
can’t putting off it’s blaze until it eats quarter of Europe ‘s people  .

Fifthly :

The Islam had came by
categorical and specified commands which is similar to the newest scientific
theories in getting rid of some familiar diseases .

The prophet peace upon
him said ” never one of you urinate in the static water that every
hypochondriasis came from it   ” narrated by Ibn maaga and he also
said peace upon him ” avoid the three curses execration in the shadow and in
the suppliers and in the roadway of the people ” .

It had been known that
( Bilharzias disease )  moved to people when the patient urinate in the
static water and if we prevented the patients from urination in water
especially static one .

We can terminated
 the disease and it was a scientific fact which is ignored until the
nineteen century when the German scientist (Bilharz  )  
discovered The life cycle of the Bilharzias .

The Medicine of old
aged  :

Doctor Joseph Garland
in his book (the story of medicine ) that the favor of respecting the old aged
and taking care of it returns back to the Islamic teachings .

The Islamic doctors did
their efforts in making the medicine of old aged which is called now Geriatrics
. and the first one who refers to this is Ibn Sienna in his book (The Law ) .

There was in the
Islamic hospitals an special sector which specialized by  Geriatrics which
wrote in it
” And lower them the wing of humility out of tenderness. And say, `My Lord,
have mercy on them even as they nourished me when I was a little child.’” 

There was an indication
which I like for Dr. Ibrahim Ibn Moraad from Tunis  which I found it in an research to him in the web net

He indicated to an
important development which lightened a way by the Islam towards the Medicine ,
that is the separation of the Medicine from the legendary of philosophy . and
that is because the known in the Greece theories that the Medicine
is apart from the philosophy and a science from it . and this theory have been
strengthen  specially by Gallianos , and he was a philosophy and a doctor
, he have mixed between the Medicine , Legends , wisdom , some facts and
advices exactly as in philosophy , it was a mix from all these things , it is
brains which search in what it can be and what it can’t , sometimes it can
reach and sometimes it get lost .

Some Moslem doctors
took from Greece this doctrine , and  they approved it  from the beginning of
their scientific production , and there was a popularity for these few doctors
, so some of the western thought that the Medicine in Islam is typically
related to the Greece Medicine , and they see that the medicine is part from
philosophy and is only the logical suggestion view , but by clarification we
find two notes :   

1- Those who merged
between the medicine and philosophy they added to this virtual experiments
 and  pharmacology , surgery and anatomy practicing they aren’t just
a conveyers or writers of translation .

2-The second point
which the researchers have noticed that there was many from the tradition of
Islamic doctors which haven’t been investigated and ejected to light , it
filled the museums ,book stores and codices it also talk about other famous who
are away from light and also the names of  doctors who are proficient in
the medicine as true science practically , experimentally , independent and not
as a mix of philosophy and the vision  .

there was examples
which clarify that the Moslems have treated with medicine by scientific view as
our modern medicine  and they separated it from the legends of philosophy
also from the disdain of  hand working .

Abou Alkasem Al-zahrawy
(D 4040E/1013C) who was a surgeon he wasn’t from populace but he was 
famous and from specialized people he specified surgery by the part thirty from
his medical encyclopedia ”The Inflection for those who can’t compose  ” .

the reason of the
belief that the Islamic school was medical philosophically and wasn’t clearly
medical and that is the translation of the Two large books and it considering
them the only representative of the Islamic school- and these are ” Al –Hawy ”
book for Al-Razy and ”The Law ” book for Ibn Seena–these books

have been translated in
Europe after translated to the Latin language and the spreading of their renown
and the exceeding of their composers over the other from Islamic doctors by
their famous upon the western was an effective factor in this suspicious and
the duty is to filtering  the history  to clarify the Truth , the
preceding have invented but the western only translated to those who inclined
to philosophy .

for example let’s have
a look to the medical practical field other than the surgery , and that’s
preparing of medicine which proved that our nation won’t be concentrating in
philosophy as the Greece did , and they won’t take medicine as experimental
science which built in materialistic facts , and the pharmacy can’t be
abstained and separated from it of course .

and those who
interested in medicine by hand is a cognoscente doctors .

the first one of them
was Abou Gaafer Ahmad Ibn Al- Gazaar (D3690 E/ 985C) .

he signified in his
book to the medicines which he composes by himself , for example –his
signification ”Stomach ” and a medicine he composed for the one who have strong
disgusts ..etc .

the second one is Abou
Marwaan Abd A-Mallek Ibn Zaher , and he himself who have the hand working once
said  “ me I’ve a selfsame disease in  loving the work of pharmacies
and try the medicines and take some strength of medicines and put it in others
and distinct the nets and particularize  it and trying this by hand and
I’m still fond of this work and stricken by it  ”

and Abou Gafer Ahmad
Alghfaky ( H. 560E/1165C) have signified in the introduction  of his book
 “single medicines ” that many of his doctors of his regime in Andulas are
pharmacies which made the medicines by themselves :

”All of our doctors are
pharmacies they composes the compounded medicine by themselves and all the
pharmacies work . and what bad if they thought when one of them asked for
single medicines to compound it for medicine then he have what he demands but
he didn’t know is it really what he want or another medicines then he
compounded  it and give it to his patient so he will be just like those
who concerned in trees and leaves pickers . all of our doctors are pharmacies
and they didn’t earn their money except from pharmacy .

he said that it’s a
shame that you wrote a medicine and your patient get it to you , and you didn’t
know is it what you wrote or not , you must know it’s figure and  it’s
description , not to be like leaves pickers …

it is an expression
which our professor used it in the medicine science (pharmacology ) in the
Colleague .

The medicine for those
Islamic Doctors is a science which connected to Chemistry , not just a
Galliano’s philosophy or Hellenic legends took it as it is …

It is also a science of
Experiments and Notes even those who have some philosophy as others , the beds
notes for Al-Razey and Ibn Seena is too much , and the field of experimenting
the medicines have it’s notable position .

The doctor never
persuaded by what the books said about the curing characteristics of the medicine
but he can see it’s success by himself as Ibn Al –Gazaar in the Stomach book –
that as  many times Ibn Al –Gazaar remembered a compounded medicine and
noticed that he experimented it and saw it’s success and fore example of that
his quote about Al-Itrafeel- which he composes by him self  for those who
have relaxed weak stomach –  “ we have tested  it and approved
it  ”.

There was also Abou
Mohamad Abd Allah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Albetaar ( H.646 E/1248C ) he emphasized in the
Introduction of his book ”The Collector to the vocabulary of medicines and

He said in the second
purpose : the second purpose is the rightness of the conveying of what I’m
saying about the preceding and editing it about the later . that what is right
for me by watching and viewing and proved to me experience , so I didn’t kept
the experience for me as a secret treasure , and I managed myself for not to
count for other than me except Allah independent .

And what is different
in strength and the way and the sensual viewing in usefulness and what is right
and achievable , or his conveyer or his teller deviated  from the straight
way , I discarded him apparently and left him for long time and I said for his
conveyer or his teller you have got something falsity . I won’t preferred in this
an ancient for his preceding  or a recent who others count in his honest .

Ibn Al-Bettar have
already criticized many doctors who are mistaken in talking about the
curing  characteristics of medicines or specifying it’s essence .

There was another practical
field called ( The Anatomy ) .

Abou Al-Hassan Ali Ibn
Aby Al-hazem Ibn Alnafees Alkorashy (H.687e/1288 C) he was one of the
proficient explainer and commenter of the Law book of Ibn Seena  .

He composed in Anatomy
an Independent book called ( The Explain of the anatomy of law ) and he
corrected in this book some writes which Ibn seena have got in the anatomy and
he also corrected Galion’s talking and Ibn Seena in the theory of the
Minor  Blood Cycle (The Lungwort Cycle ) .

Ibn Alnafess have
noticed that the direction of the blood are constant and it’s motion isn’t
lunitidal motion – as he thought before – and he said that the blood have
passed in the Right ventricle of the heart to the lung which mixed by air and
then it returns back from lungs through pulmonary vien to the left ventricle of
the heart . 

He have criticized
 Galion’s and Ibn seena’s theory after him in the minor blood cycle after
it was been stable in minds of scientist for

Twelve century (from
the secondly century to the thirteen century of Christmas ).

There was also another
doctor from our ancestors who called Aby Abd Allah Mohmad Ibn Othman Alskely
Altonusy (H. about 825 E/1417 C) ,ALskelly have composed an important useful
book that’s ” The Persian Brief ” which is related to the (sultan Alhfsy) who
composed it for him who is Abou fares Abdel Aziz Almotawkel Ala Allah (796
E/1394C-837E/1434C) and it was a brief for the book of law , Alskely didn’t
simulate thoughts of ibn  seena but he added to it an important and
special addition in two researches .

First of them the
scabies of eye disease and the pruritus which inherenced to it , the composer
have proved for the first time the progress of the disease and it’s stages and
it was four stages  .

These four stages
haven’t been proved from the doctors except in the middle of this century
(Twenty ) , so the favor of priority returns to Mohmad Alskely in achieving and
arranging it before that by six hundred year  .

And the second
researches is the (Tuberculosis disease ) , the ancient talked about the
tuberculosis and defined it in general isn’t separated from other disease ,
that is the  ”ulceration of the lungs ” and they described it’s most
important symptoms that’s (coughing , hemoptysis , fever and the slimness of
the body  ) but Alskely have diagnosed the tuberculosis clearly , he
specified it and it’s reasons by his quote ” the reason of tuberculosis was an
ulceration in the lung , that if the patient have exceeded in hemoptysis forty
days he will became tuberculated person hardly cured , it may be because of
ulceration in the chest and septum if it was penetrated , but if it wasn’t
penetrated it will be easy to coalesces  the ulceration due to it’s motion
stability . and this disease may be extended with the patient for years especially
if the ulceration was dry and  moveless   خشكريشة    ” .

By that it was obvious
that he have saw the anatomy of deads and he have heard the chest of patients
by his ears , he was practitioner in Alhafsy hospital in Tunis city .

From here we supported
the advices – as did the proficient Tunisian doctor – he advises the researcher
to concern with the Islamic Medical scripts by investigating , studying and
filtration , that what have published was scientifically achieved are less than
the fewest .

There was inventions
which have embedded and it’s rights was gone , and there still pearls in the
methods of healthy preservation and the matter of nutrition also the matter of
vegetarianism  medicines .

By fair searching it
will be cleared that the Islamic medicines was a main ring in the history of
the medicine progress inside the human civilized track .

It has been indicated
by conferences and sites on the internet which concerned with the history of
Islamic medicine as Islamic organization for the medicine sciences and Islam
online and others , that is one of reasons of injustice that the European
translation was in regime  full of misleading fantasies  and blind
fanaticism , and that’s means that the translator doesn’t be embarrassed to
stole scripts and belong it to himself or make changing to the translated text
and deviated  it’s meaning that’s because he grudged the Islamic
civilization .

We have all good
example for this to conclude ,  that is Abou Gaffer Ahmad Ibn Algazar
Alkayrawny in his relation to his translator the African Kostanteen .

Kostanteen have
translated from Ibn Algazaar book ”The supply of traveler and The nutriment
 of the present  ”  and  ”The depending in the single
medicines ” and ”the stomach and it’s diseases and it’s therapy  ” and ”an
essay in the Leprosy ”  he took all of these and belonged it to himself !
and then the history discovered this falsification after long years …

Then the stolen and
took the favor of the theory of an Islamic doctor , as what happened with Mekhaeel
survaay in the explanation of ” the Anatomy of the law  ” for Aby Alhassan
Aly Ibn Alnafees in the minor blood cycle .

Survaay took the theory
of Ibn Alnafees and conveyed it literally in his book CHRIST – LANSMO
RESTITUTIO which published in Vienna
in year 1553 c.

And Allah have unmasked
him by clearness in history too …

So our doctors have
been freed from Galion’s slavery :

Doctor / Monsef AL-
marzoky from Tunis have referred to note which I will form it by my own
expression that is : the getting rid of Galions and Abou Kraat  wasn’t
easy  , it’s indicated that how the Islamic doctors are independent by
their thoughts towards the Greece and Roman Tradition , although the name of
Galions only are document and pretext , and he played the same role which Arsto
have did in philosophy so he paralyzed the motion of searching and prospecting
and this due to the insisting of his followers in believing all what he wrote
and specified , and their blind faith that the truth in this .

And from the seldoms
 which gives us the idea about his tyrannical thoughts the quote of some
of his followers that the structure of the human was changed from his regime
when they compulsed to explain his  several faults in the science of
organs .

But Moslems didn’t
agree with him in every thing he said we found many of them criticized him and
his quotes and theories .Alrazy ,Ibn seena , Ibn zahar and Ibn asyba have
criticized him in his broadening  history  .

The independency and
the Methodist for Ibn zaher are reveled who was anatomy the deads un convinced
by Galion’s anatomy for animal , also did I bn Alnafess when he said : ”the
benefit of the organs depends in it’s definition on what the right view
and  the straight search required , whether this agree with ideas of who preceding
us or not   ” .

And the refusal of Ibn
Alnafess to simulate Galion’s ideas about the function of the lever , heart and
the lungs is the starting of the exploring of the minor blood cycle that he
doesn’t believe his theory which said that the blood slipped from the right
ventricle of  to the left ventricle through holes and the function of the
lungs is to flickering above the heart to cooling it !


haven’t preserving himself his manner got worse



Are we born as Muslims?

By Salsabil Naim




The answer is YES and NO.


Yes! We are born Muslims.


Every thing, which is created by Allah is a Muslim. Everything in this world is submitted to Allah’s law and obeyed Allah. This includes mountains, trees, animals all are Muslims since they were created and born. Even the Christians, Jewish, George Bush and Ariel Sharon were Muslims when they were born.


“Every child is born on Al-Fitrah [true faith of Islamic Monotheism (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone)] but his parents convert him to Judaism or Christianity or Magianism, as an animal gives birth to a perfect baby animal. Do you find it mutilated?” (Sahih Bukhari, Vol 2, Hadith No. 467) and Muslim 4:2047,2048


See 30@30

So set you your face towards the religion (of pure Islamic Monotheism) Hanif (worship none but Allah Alone). Allah’s Fitrah (i.e. Allah’s Islamic Monotheism) with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in Khalq-illah (i.e. the religion of Allah- Islamic Monotheism); that is the straight religion, but most of men know not. (tafsir At-Tabari-one of Tabi’en)


We can see that "the pattern on which Allah has made mankind" refers to the basic nature of man, and "setting the face steadily and truly to the Faith" is called "the standard religion." "The standard religion" is the same as The Religion or the Primordial Religion of mankind, which is mentioned in another verse that means:



‘And when your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam, from their backs, their descendants, and made them bear witness against their own souls: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes! we bear witness. Lest you should say on the day of resurrection: Surely we were heedless of this. (Al-A’raf 7:172)



Commentators say that the above verse refers to a covenant taken by God from the whole of humanity, without any limit of time. In other words, man in his essential and original purity of soul has acknowledged his Creator. But later after his birth when he has grown up, he is in a state of "forgetfulness" as it were. And when he is reminded of his duty to God, he ought to know the truth of that in the heart of his hearts, unless he "covers up" this innermost truth.



Thus Allah in the Qur’an makes it clear to us that the basic nature of man in his purity must acknowledge Him as the One and Only Creator and Sustainer. Studies of cultural anthropology and social history also bear out man’s yearning for a Spiritual Unity. What is more, the latest findings in ecological studies stress the essential unity and uniformity in nature and the universe, which implies a Single Ruler of the universe.


I created my servants Hunafa (i.e. Monotheists), then the Shaytan misled them from their religion. (Muslim 4:2197)


Are we born Muslims?


I would say NO, if we believe that we are automatically Muslims when we are born in Muslim families. We are not born-Muslims just because we are born is a Muslim family as we do not inherit Islam from our parents. It is the education at home, the curriculum at school and the environment that determine whether we are Muslims or not. We are Muslims ONLY IF we understood the meaning of Tawheed and APPLY the meaning. For example, the wife and son of Prophet Noah ‘alaihi salaam were Non-Muslim although they were a son and a wife of a prophet. The son did not inherit Islam from his father. By having a father who is a prophet, mufti or a great Islamic scholar does not make some one becomes Muslim if he himself does not understand the meaning of Tawheed and NEVER APPLY the meaning. Even if, we apply 99% of Tawheed, it does not make us Muslims as Islam need to be practiced and taken TOTALLY. Anyone who objects (kufr) Allah, he/she should be objected and should be considered as the enemy of Allah regardless he is our beloved one, even though he is the son or father or husband or brother. As much as possible we invite them to ISLAM and to WORSHIP Allah alone.


"You will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last day loving those who resist Allaah and His Messenger; even though they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their relatives." [Soorah Al-Mujaadalah 58:22].


"O you who believe! Do not take as intimate friends and protectors your fathers and your brothers, if they love unbelief over faith. And if any do so, then they are the wrong doers."[Soorah At-Tawbah 9:23].


Take an example of Nabi Ibrahim, how much effort and time he spent to persuade his own father to become a Muslim, to invite him to worship Allah.


Please refer any tafseer of Surah Al-Mumtahanah : 4

‘Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people: “Verily, WE ARE FREE FROM YOU AND WHATEVER YOU WORSHIP BESIDES ALLAH, WE HAVE OBJECTED YOU, AND THERE HAS STARTED BETWEEN US AND YOU HOSTILITY AND HATRED FOR EVER UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IN ALLAH ALONE” –except the saying of Ibrahim (Abraham) to his father, “Verily, I will ask forgiveness (from Allah) for you, but I have no power to do anything for you before Allah. Our Lord! In you (Alone) we put our trust, and to you (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to you (Alone) is our final return.


Everything in this world is governed by Allah’s rules. These included the solar system, ecology system, gravity; orbits of the planets, our blood circulation, our heart beat and even the blinking of our eyes all are bound to Allah’s rules. The literal and full meaning of Islam is ‘a total submission/surrender/ resignment to Allah ’. So those who submit to Allah totally are considered as the Best Muslims. The least submission is to know and to apply Tawheed and avoid things, which will break (nullify) shahadah.


How can we consider ourselves as Muslims?


The answer is, when we understand the meaning of ISLAM, ‘Laa Ilaha Illallah’, the meaning of Tawheed and APPLY the meaning.


Some one is called a Muslim when he/she has the Islamic Tawheed in his/her heart, mind and acts. We differentiate him/her according to what appear to us through his/her acts and sayings. Even the Christians are born Muslims and after they reach the age of adolescent or puberty (the age when some one who is able to conclude the existence of Allah-The Creator, to think what is good or bad, right and wrong), every one should be able to think and choose his way. So we are not Muslims because we are born on fitrah. Otherwise every one in the world, even those who worship sun are born Muslims. Through the education of the fathers and mothers who follow the principles of non-Islamic life people become Non-Muslim (non-Muslims). So we have to analyze what are we following, is it Islam, which Allah asked us to do? Or we are Muslims by names.


The Law of Allah is the MOST PERFECT


The characteristics of Allah’s rules are harmony, organized, peaceful, full of justice and loving, as Allah is Ar-Raheem, Lord of Love. The rules of Allah is to ensure that every of His creatures such as plants, animals, human being and others, who/which live in this universe live peacefully, organized, harmony, full of justice and loving each other.


For example, the plants, how do they obey Allah’s rules? During spring season, the plants will grow flowers, during fall, all its leaves fall and during summer, the leaves grow again and so on. They never become disobedience to Allah except human being.


‘To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. All are obedient to Him.’ ~ Ar-Rum: 26


Whatsoever is in the Heaven and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. ~Surah As-Saff : 1


Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah, the King (of everything), the Holy, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. ~Surah Al-Jumu’ah : 1

59@1,24     64@1


Anything, which distracts or disturbs the systems of Allah will cause disharmony to all creatures in this world. If human beings are inhuman to animals, for example by killing the wild animals without control, it will disturb the food chain and eventually will cause troubles to the human being. If men are careless and pollute the atmosphere, it will disturb all systems, the plants, animals, human beings and all in the planet as a whole.


“Evil (sins and disobedience to Allah) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds), that He (Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah and begging His Pardon) ~ Surah Ar-Rum: 41


Before human beings were created, Allah has created all the sustenance more than sufficient for them such as plants and animals, even the composition of air (atmosphere) and water and all are proportionate and perfect. Allah created the sun to give light and heat with suitable temperatures to all living things on the earth but only a few are thankful to Allah Ar-Rahman, The Most Gracious!


Every entity in this world is related to each other and follows the rules of Allah. If there is a default made to one of His systems, it will cause some effect and default to other systems. His creations and His rules are PERFECT as Allah is the Most PERFECT. Therefore, a human being can never try to change or manipulate anything of His Laws and can never behave as if they are cleverer than Allah.


Surah Al-Mulk : 1-4

Blessed be He in Whose hand is the dominion and He is Able to do all things.

Who has created death and life that He may test you which of you is the best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft Forgiving.

Who has created the 7 heavens one above another, you can see no fault in the creation of the Most Gracious. Then look again: ‘Can you see any rift?’

Then look again and yet again: your sight will return to you in a state of humiliation and worn out.


The meaning of Love


To love Allah as our top love is one of the conditions of ‘La ilaha illallah’. All love of His creations is meant for Allah ONLY. For human beings, their love should only for Allah. If they love Allah’s creations, the love for His creations should only for Allah’s sake. Allah’s creations include everything in this world, our beloved one like mother, father, family, wife or husband, children and wealth, beloved friends and etc.


If they are not in real submission to Allah, this love should be resisted and directed to be a feeling and energy of hoping, willing, pushing and persuading them to be Muslims otherwise we resist this love and consider them in other face, like what had happened to Messenger Nouh peace be upon him and his son, like Messenger Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam and his uncles, mother and father and like Messenger Ibrahim ‘alaihi salaam and his father.


"Say (to them O Muhammad, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam): ‘If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, your possessions that you have gained, commerce you fear may slacken, and dwellings you love, if these are dearer to you than Allaah and His Messenger (Muhammad), and to struggle in His Way, then wait until Allaah brings about His Command (Punishment). And Allaah guides not the wrong-doing people.’" [9:24]


To worship Allah means to LOVE Him. To love Allah means to obey His rules. If we found any of His creations including our beloved one objected Allah (kufr), we have to object them. Kufr means objecting Allah by many ways such as disobedience to His Rules, to make the religion of Islam as a matter of jokes, to feel and to say the religion of Allah is incomplete, backwards, not relevant and etc. This is the true meaning of worshipping. When we love Allah, we have to be away to those who object Allah (Kufr to Allah) even though the person is our beloved one.


Why I explain this concept of Love is, as it is very strange and cruel for those who never understand the meaning of Tawheed, to say to those we love as Non-Muslim even though obviously they object the oneness of Allah but think carefully, if we are true Muslims who love Allah the utmost, this is a requirement. Never forget our duty to invite people to Islam, to worship Allah Alone, this is the true meaning of Love, Love for Allah and Love for our beloved ones i.e. not to leave them in the darkness and kufr. We should have this feeling that the responsibility falls on our shoulder and feel worry and sad that they are going to the Hell.


The saying of the Prophet sallahu alaihi wassalam,

"The firmest bond of Faith is to love for the sake of Allah and to hate for the sake of Allah."


In another hadith reported by Abu Dawud, the Prophet (SAW) said,

"Whosoever loves for Allah, hates for Allah, gives for Allah and withholds for Allah has perfected faith."




Hello world!مع تعليق واحد



الخميس، 22 أكتوبر 2015

صباحي استعاد ذاكرته ورجع لعادته:
"أنا الفارغُ المشغولُ والشوق آفتي **
فلا تسألوني عن فراغي وعن شغلي ....."

الأربعاء، 21 أكتوبر 2015

في كتب التاريخ عندما تتدهور الدول،  وتصبح مثل بعض الخرابات وتدخل مرحلة الضياع، يتجاوز الاستثمار فكرة الإنفاق الرأسمالي على مشروعات البناء والاتصالات وإنتاج السلع والسياحة إلى الاستثمار البرلماني، وهو من الاقتصاد السياسي،  ويكون بالمرابحة والمتاجرة في القوائم الانتخابية وبورصة مضاربات الأحزاب السياسية،  تملكا وتأجيرا، واقتراضا ينتهي بالتمليك، واغتصابا،  وهذا بتربيتها وتسمينها للأكل أو للحرث الإجرائي أو للركوب أو إنتاج البيض أو الحماية ، وهذا يكون بإنشاء كيانات جديدة أو التوسع في كتل قائمة، أو إحلال أو تجديد وتدوير أو طلاء  كتل انتهى عمرها الافتراضي،  ويشمل هذا الاستثمار رأس المال المسروق والمغسول والمشبوه، المحلى والاجنبى.

" إذا اشتبكت دموع في خدود *
تبين من بكى ممن تباكى"
... وبالمثل،  يسهل أن تعرف هذا الذي يكتب عن الألم ولم يعرفه حقا ولم يذقه..ولم يتخرج من هذه المدرسة.

إذا انزلقت فقد لا تشعر في أول الأمر،  فمن ينصحك هنا دوره حيوي وصعب،

حيوي لأن هو الوقت الذهبي، لكيلا تضيع أكثر وتزل وتغرس في الأوحال وتتعقد فتنتك وتحاط بالعوالق والعوائق القلبية والمادية والعقلية! ،

صعب لأنك لا تحس،  والتغير آنذاك طفيف،  وقد تبرر بأنك لا زلت كما أنت وهذه سفاسف ومبالغات منه   ..

فقرات من حوار خاص للفائدة:

احتضان العائد لا يكون بتبرير خطيئته وتعليق عاره على شماعة غيره، ولا بتقديم طوق النجاة بترقيع المسلك الخاطئ وإعادة تدويره واستبقائه ... التلطف لا يعني المجاملة على حساب الحق في الكبائر.

لم أشارك في مذبح تسفيه هؤلاء رغم انحطاطهم، لأن الاعتراض ليس على المواقف المتدنية فقط،  بل تحفظي هو على فهم المنهج المختزل، الذي أدى إلى الابتذال والتبديل..

خلافنا هو على آلية الاستنباط الاحتكارية والعبثية القاصرة، 

خلافنا ليس مع أشخاص بل مع طريقة الاستدلال والتلفيق التي تشبه الرياضيات وهي حرفة المحرفين والمنتحلين..والتي تفرز هذه النماذج والمواقف...

طريقة  تشبه الاتباع - زورا وبهتانا-وهي ليست فقط تقليدا أعمى بل تقليد أعمى مجنون...

خلافي كذلك هو مع الرؤية السطحية الخاطئة والهزيلة والعاطفية للواقع...
هو مع مرجعية خاطئة أحادية تقدس ذاتها ونتاجها، كانت تتشدد في دم البعوض وتتهاون في الأصول وروح النص ومعالي الأمور ثم صارت إلى ما صارت إليه.

الاثنين، 19 أكتوبر 2015

إذا كان هذا خذلان وخزي الدنيا وفضيحتها فكيف بخزي يوم القيامة،  نسأل الله السلامة..
بعيدا عن التحليل السياسي الذي ينبغي أن يذكر صاحبه أنه مجرد احتمال،  وأن يتواضع، وأن يتذكر أن الدلالات مفتوحة، وأننا في سنوات مفعمة وأن أقل سبب يقلب التوقعات والموازين   ...

"ذو الجهلِ لا يَنفكُّ مضطرباً ...
 لأقلِّ شيءٍ يفقدُ الصبرا..

كُلُّ المصائبِ عندَهُ كَبرَتْ ... 
إِلا مصيبةَ جهلِه الكُبرى"

الأحد، 18 أكتوبر 2015

"ذكر ابن عبدالبر عن بعض السلف أنه قال :

"من كان حَسَنَ الفهم , رديء الاستماع لم يقم خيره بشره ."..

أحسب هنا أن التأني في القراءة كالتأني في الإنصات... فالتعجل في المجادلة والرد، والنظر للمراء واللجاج ، والظن بأن النفس قد تخطت مرحلة التعلم في أي باب أمور تمنع الإفادة وتغلق باب الخير ويظلم بها المرء نفسه.

( إن للعلم غوائل , فمن غوائله أن يترك العمل به حتى يذهب , ومن غوائله النسيان ومن غوائله الكذب , وهو شر غوائله )

الإمام محمد بن مسلم بن شهاب الزهري (توفي عام 125هـ)

, عَنِ ابْنِ مَسْعُودٍ رضي الله عنه , قَالَ:
" كَيْفَ أَنْتُمْ إِذَا أَلْبَسَتْكُمْ فِتْنَةٌ،

يَهْرَمُ فِيهَا الْكَبِيرُ , وَيَنْشَأُ فِيهَا الصَّغِيرُ ,

تَجْرِي عَلَى النَّاسِ تَتَخِذُونَهَا سُنَّةً ,

إِذَا غُيِّرَتْ قِيلَ: هَذَا مُنْكَرٌ"

هذا الأثر ذكره الإمام الشاطبي في الاعتصام،  وأخرجه ابن وضاح، وصححه الذهبي، ورواه كذلك ابن أبي شيبة والدارمي والبيهقي والشاشي وابن معمر في جامعه رحمهم الله جميعا ورضي عنهم.

  .... ألا تشبه أشياء كثيرة متفشية ومنتشرة،  كالدينوقراطية، صاروا يسوونها بالشورى تحت راية الإسلام والتوحيد والسنة! ..
ويعتبرونها طريقا للشورى يوما ما! بعد الاعتراف المتبادل والتنازلات والمداهنات والتحريف والتبديل!
وبإشراف واعتراف دوليين يتسولونهما كل مرة ،  وبعد رأس الصبر فوق السراب القائد...

وكأن من يعترض على الكفتوقراطية يؤيد الديكتاتورية! وهؤلاء أسرى المصطلحين... صندوق أمريكا  .. كأنهم لقطاء تاريخيا أو سقطوا من كوكب مجهول لم ير مرجعيته نظريا، ولم ير حرية واستقلالية الصحابة عمليا وضوابطها وحكمتها،  ولا رأى سبيل الأنبياء والمرسلين تاريخيا... صلوات الله وسلامه عليهم ولا رأى سبل الراشدين الملهمين،  الذين بينوا السبل ما بين معتزل ومقيم حجة ومهاجر ومجاهد ومعاهد، ولم يعبث أحدهم - وحاشاهم - بالركون والتولي والمداهنة والتحاكم،  ولم يسم شيئا منها بغير اسمه ليبتلعه،  ولم يحرف معنى الإيمان لجعله بعيدا عن الأعراف الدولية والمحلية وعن نظام تداول السلطة بين المناهج،  ولم يختزل معنى العبودية والتوحيد ونواقض الملة ليمر من شرايين حضارتهم المتوحشة كمعتدل منزلق.

وهؤلاء باتوا ينتقدون مجرد سياق ومجرد الإشراف على الديمورقاطية  التي سكروا منها ألف مرة ولم يتوبوا! واغتصبوا بها ولم يروا بأسا،  وذاب غيرهم فيها وضاع من دينه ما ضاع،  ودنياه تنزف ويمسك بتلابيبها بقرابين من دينه ليتركوه يمر...

ولا زالوا يبشرون بها في علمنة عملية ونظرية ملتوية،  بعد كل ما رأوا وسمعوا وذاقوا،  كأن الخطأ في تطبيقها فقط، وليس في فكرتها المادية اللادينية النسبية أو الكمية، وكأنه لا تعارض مع حقيقتها ومفهومها منذ تم استيرادها كما هو معروف عرفا،  وكأنها نمط للحياة لا بديل له في ديننا ولا مخالف له،  وكأنها ستقوض نفسها بوسائلها! انظر الرومانسية اللامنطقية.... وبحراب رعاتها الرسميين عالميا وبفلسفتها! وبمجتمعات يتعسفون في التدرج معها حتى نبذوا العقيدة والمحكمات جمعاء ليرضوها وتدسسوا لها واستجدوا منها وتاجروا بلافتات عليها ...

والمكابرة في طحن المطحون وتضييع الوقت تشبه المثل: "صاحب الملوحة كل البرص" وهي قصة عن بائع سمك مملح أكل برصا (وزغا زاحفا) لأن المشتري وجده مع السمك، وشكك  في نظافة بضاعته، فأثبت له أنه صالح للأكل لكيلا يخسر بضاعته...

وهي لم تصر سنة بمعنى نافلة، بل جعلوها واجبا في ملتهم....
"لقد أعزنا الله بالإسلام فان ابتغينا العزة فى غيره أذلنا الله"

السبت، 17 أكتوبر 2015

"وإن التواني أنكحَ العجزَ بنتَهُ ... وساقَ إِليه حين زوجها مهرا..
فراشاً وطيئاً ثم قال لها اتكي ... قُصاراهما لا بد أن يلدا الفقرا"

"أصولٌ قد بُنين على فساد ...
وتقوى الله سوقٌ لا تبورُ"